Felix Morka, the embattled spokesperson for the ruling APC, claims that after Peter Obi’s supporters allegedly made a false claim that his life was in danger, he has received at least 200 death threats.
Abdullahi Ganduje, the national head of the APC, declared his support for Mr. Morka and his contentious remarks.
In an interview that was shown on ARISE TV on Wednesday, Mr. Morka asserted this.
According to Peter Obi, my remarks during the interview put his life in danger. The national spokesperson for the APC stated, “As of right now, I have recorded at least 400 threats, more than 200 of which are death threats.” “I am providing the law enforcement agencies with written texts that I have meticulously documented.”
“People are telling me in graphic terms how they plan to take me out.” Behead me in profanity, and shoot me. This is serious. Some members of my family have even been threatened using explicit language, the troubled lawmaker revealed. “I cannot be held responsible for what has caused this madness. Peter Obi was not threatened by me. I’m hoping that those people will be held accountable by our law enforcement.
“Those who in their text professed loyalty to Peter Obi have threatened me,” Mr. Morka said when asked if the threats he claimed to have received came from Mr. Obi’s supporters, or Obidians. Indeed, these individuals claim allegiance to Peter Obi.
Recently, Mr. Obi, who challenged Mr. Tinubu in the 2023 presidential election and finished third but declared himself the victor, expressed concern that the APC government was punishing him and his family and pressuring his associates to turn away from him.
Felix Morka, the spokesperson for the ruling party, asserted in an interview with ARISE TV on Sunday that Mr. Obi is still pouting over his election defeat and acting erratically in an effort to topple Mr. Tinubu’s administration.
The APC spokesperson accused Mr. Obi of the Labour Party of “shooting from the hip” and referred to him as a “prophet of doom” and “voodoo economist.”
“From the hip, Mr. Obi is shooting.” He’s not looking. He’s not aiming. He simply shoots extensively, exactly like in the old days of film. “He’s not acting logically,” Mr. Morka emphasized. “His thoughts and public remarks are completely illogical.”
The APC spokesperson said, “But Mr. Obi has crossed the line so many times, and I think at this point, he has coming to him whatever he gets.”
Just as the APC tried to clarify why its spokesperson indicated the former governor of Anambra had crossed a line on Tuesday, the Obidient Movement claimed the party was supporting violence against Mr. Obi.
The APC charged Mr. Ob with inciting Nigerians against Mr. Tinubu’s administration last week.